Have Faith; And Lots Of IT!

Have Faith And Lots Of IT!

Faith is knowing things will get better. 
 Hope is the belief that things can get better.

Surround yourself with people who share the same beliefs as you do. Of course, not each and everything will match, so choose the one that is most important to you; focus on that mutual passion.

I have been through a lot of grief and broken hearts. The reason I share this with you is to let others know that we as humans can endure so very much, and survive! I cannot believe how much the Lord has put on me, believing in me? How can he believe in me that much? Why put us through all of that? If we were not "put through it", we were not have experienced suffering, then we would never grow or appreciate the blessings when things are going well.
There are no perfect answers about having faith, but what it means to you is what is most important.

I know behind every reason there is a purpose and THAT is what gets me through my days... hours...minutes. 

So, my advice is: Have Faith! We must believe there is a major and beautiful reason behind all that we endure.
I am hoping that someone, somewhere, gets something out of what I share. 
Every day is a gift, enjoy it to the fullest.

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